Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I have spent the last 2 nites trying to upload a picture of a doll!! Won't work!

Keep your eyes peeled for the new Cloth Paper Scissors!!

1 comment:

Lisa Cook said...

Let me be the first to congratulate you on being a "cover girl!" Cloth Paper Scissors is my absolute favorite magazine in the whole altered, mixed media world. Quite a fabulous honor to have your work on the cover, Ms. Crane! I too am a public school teacher (FACE or "Home Ec") and know what it is like to try and create art in between it all. I thought that creating 50 works of art the year I turned 50 was a big deal! Heck, you do 365 a year! : )
Now I plan to use your rectangular book pattern to complete a swap project I am involved in! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration and boost. I was starting to feel like I had no energy for art since school started up once again, but I am smiling this morning!