Sunday, January 28, 2007

Every Little Thing...

is gonna be alright. Ot at least that what Ziggy Marley says. Who knows? Maybe he's right. I picked this song for this week because there are so many questions swimming 'round in my head right now. I got one definite answer back today -a resounding NO - ouch, that smarts. I don't even want to try again. My husband still says I want too much too fast. He says I was only on the cover a couple of months ago and I got my first ink a couple of months before that. What do you expect, he says. I expect to be successful. To prove it.

I have been struggling with an elbow strain - pinched tendon, right side - since December 11. I hope it will get better, but just increasing pain. It has gone from a vague ache and pain when I use my right arm and hand to now constant pain of a burning nature and shooting pains up my forearm. It is making me feel tired and out of sorts. It's my right arm, and I'm right handed. I was s'posed to see an ortho guy tomorrow, but he is too ill ( God be with him - it's VERY serious). My doc is sending me to another ortho, hopefully within the next week or so. I have been dealing with the pain and going to work and teaching art lessons and everything. I do have a small fear, however, of doing permanent damage and I have lots of years of art teaching and making ahead of me, so I want to get it resolved. Soon. Plus, I cannot do any type of exercise that requires weight on that arm - no curls, no push ups, no tae bo -nuthin. That will look great for short sleeve weather.
Don't worry about a thing
Don't you know
Every little thing
Is gonna be alright

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