Sunday, July 30, 2006


Back home from another great trip to New Mexico's Hummingbird Art Camp. This is the doll I made the day after the teachers trip to Sante Fe. There's a lot I want to say about art camp, but it's too soon and I'm too tired. I need to let the details settle in my brain for a few days. The only thing I can say is that ther are some of the coolest people in the world at that camp.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Tomorrow I will be taking off for a week to go to New Mexico and teach at art camp. No internet acess or even cell phones. I have a connection in San Antonio - I've never been in Texas.

When I get back, we will have two weeks until school starts and I have GOT to get back on schedule sleep wise. I have been sleeping until the late, late hour of 7:00am routinely and that will not work during the school year!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I have a boo-boo on my back, due to an unfortunate accident with a suitcase. I have always heard people complain about thier backs hurting and not paid too much mind to it, but, wow, I have never had this kind of pain. I guess the thing about your spine is that all movement generates from there, so when it hurts, any movement hurts. Last Thursday, it hurt to talk loud. I haven't wanted to do much of anything. Don't want to sit here any longer...



Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Runway

Project Runway starts again tonight!

Did I tell you I rented Valley of the Dolls? Well, I was so disappointed. The film doesn't follow the book at all. Characters are combined, whole people are left out, and ANNE TURNS DOWN LYON'S PROPOSAL AFTER RETURNING TO LAWRENCEVILLE!

hate that - i was so juiced to see the film after reading the book

I will be traveling by plane soon and I need a good book - any suggestions?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

what it means

So I am in two magazines - what does that mean? I think it means, to me, anyway, that I have not just been farting around the last four years, that I have made something good, that other people respond to, that maybe I am an artist, after all. Do I think it is necessary to have outside validation to call oneself an "artist"? Not really, but I have always thought that "artist" is not a title you give yourself. I mean, did Wayne Gretsky call himself "The Great"?

This doll was made on the sewing machine, just sewing thru cardstock to draw the body, arms, legs and crown. My favorite thing about it is that there is no glue involved.

And I leave you with a quote that I repeat to my girls ALL the time:

" You miss one hundred per cent of the shots you don't take."
--Wayne Gretsky

I think this applies to EVERYTHING, not just hockey.

Monday, July 03, 2006


So I couldn't wait any longer and I went - with my mom and sister - to Barnes and Noble. There it was - MY magazine! How exciting! I took a picture of the mag open on the B & N magazine rack and that photo became the body of this doll. On the way to pay for Cloth Paper Scissors, I grabbed the new Somerset Studio, the Paris issue and flipped through it. You'll never guess what! My work was in that one, too. I had submitted a book for the Paris theme way back in February and had no idea it had made it into the magazine. TWO magazines in one day - are you kidding me?

The wings, hem and necklace are all made from a Starbucks coffee cardboard holder thing I got at the B& N Starbucks yesterday. The same hot pink ball fringe that is on the Little Pink House of Cards is on the bottom of the dress. I just love it when artists refer back to their own work in new pieces. Even if it is literal and cheesy.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

no cps yet

My copy hasn't come yet in the mail. I am not patient and not looking to become more so.