Tuesday, July 04, 2006

what it means

So I am in two magazines - what does that mean? I think it means, to me, anyway, that I have not just been farting around the last four years, that I have made something good, that other people respond to, that maybe I am an artist, after all. Do I think it is necessary to have outside validation to call oneself an "artist"? Not really, but I have always thought that "artist" is not a title you give yourself. I mean, did Wayne Gretsky call himself "The Great"?

This doll was made on the sewing machine, just sewing thru cardstock to draw the body, arms, legs and crown. My favorite thing about it is that there is no glue involved.

And I leave you with a quote that I repeat to my girls ALL the time:

" You miss one hundred per cent of the shots you don't take."
--Wayne Gretsky

I think this applies to EVERYTHING, not just hockey.

1 comment:

Joann Loftus said...

Congrats on making your goal... twice in one year and it's only halfway through! Glad to see a fellow Hoosier getting published. This is my goal for the year, as well! The Gretsky quote hit home, though, as I've yet to SUBMIT anything! awhhh... FEAR, it's a killer of all things good. Keep up the good work, girl!