Monday, December 27, 2010

Has it really been six months?

Well, yes, it has been. I tried to start a different blog, but it fell flat. It was a stupid idea, really, wasn't it? I mean, if I wasn't writing here, why in the world would I think I could magically write under another title, on a different background?

Since we last talked, I have read the first two Twilights, had knee surgery and gone on more college visits than I care to recount here.

I realize I have a full 5 days before I need to commit to this, but there is no time like the present. I think I need to get more organized about this blog thing. It was easy when I first started the Paperdoll Post. It was to show my year-long project of making a paperdoll every day for a year. After that, I lost my way. What did I really have to say, anyway? I'm not doing year-long projects anymore. Seems like a lot of people are now. When I first did it in 2004, some people thought I was crazy. Some people didn't believe I had actually done it. I am. I did.
Oh - the commitment - I bought a notebook and divided it into months and started planning my 2011 posts. I am shooting for 4 posts a week. One about the Sketchbook Challenge, one about an ongoing project I'm working on, one about a finished project and maybe one about home dec - we're on the interior redo at the moment.

Lofty goal, I know, but I must do this. No...I want to do this. So I guess you'll just have to read it.

The 25th of every month will be a Christmas project. Start early. Avoid the last minute rush.

Happy New Year.


ps - I am team Jacob.

1 comment:

Westend Quilter said...

Yes! I like your 'planning the posts'. Good luck with 2011 - I have thought about a blog, but don't know whether I can persevere, so I think I'll just follow yours for now!